Move Wiki

Moonsault is a Gymnastics Competition 's Move "Back Double Back Flip once twice" is commonly known as Japanese English.


The beginning of this technique is the first time Mitsuo Tsukahara announced "Backwards squatting twice somersault once twisting down" as a descent technique of a steel bar at the free performance of the Munich Olympic group in 1972 (Showa 47). This technique was devised with the thought gained by the technique of the trampoline technique "half in half out" (one backward somersault 1/2 twist + one forward somersault 1/2 twist). In addition, although there is a technique called Tsukahara in the vault, it is another thing (Tsukahara jump).

In the initial performance, the encore did not stop ringing, Tsukahara got a high score of 9.90 and was praised as "God skill", "Space swimming" etc. It was later recognized by the International Gymnastics Federation as a new technique Tsukahara (Tsukahara).

Although the name of Tsukahara is limited only to the descent technique of a steel bar, in the case of Moonsalt or lunar somersault, if it is "twice somersault once twist" it is so called even if it is another competition, I can not say.
