Move Wiki


Happy Rain, in the Senran Kagura series, is Ryōki's Heavy Ninja Art. It requires two scrolls to use.


Ryōki start by striking a pose where she crouches, before getting back up and throwing her shield in the air above her.

She then lift her shotgun to the sky (where she threw the shield) and start firing several buckshot shells, which pellets are reflected by the shield to crash on the ground or on any unfortunate foe that find itself in the range. The range of the attack get wider at each shot as the shield is pushed by them.

The shield then fall to be caught by Ryōki's hand, which ends the Attack with a charming smile.


The Attack is powerful, as it can one-hit kill another character on easy missions, and is a Ranging technique.

It is destined to push any foe that find itself too close to the user, sending them in a much more safer range for it.