This page regroups every attacks that appeared in the Senran Kagura series, particularly Ninja Arts.
As SK Attacks are mostly Ninja Arts, if not all, there is three kinds to distinguish from:
- Light Ninja Arts: Use One single scroll to activate, and the weakest of the Attacks.
- Heavy Ninja Arts: Use Two scrolls to activate, moderate one.
- Ultimate Ninja Arts: Use Five (EV) or Three (BRN) scrolls to activate, strongest one. It is divided in two kinds:
- Secondary Mode: The user changes it's gameplay for a while, become stronger, more resistant, even faster, but become unable to perform other NA. It changes all his Attacks.
- Single Strike: The same kind as the weaker types: this consist of a single but very strong Attacks.
A Ninja Art can only be interrupted by a higher-type Ninja Art. Ultimate Arts can't be interrupted.
(Ex: Heavy counters Light, Ultimate counters Heavy and Light.)
A Ninja Scroll is SK's version of combo points, or power points, that allow the use of a Attack.
Every Ninja Art in SK is unique to a character, there is never two characters to share the same one. The characters associated should and are precised within the pages.
Each NA is activated with Shinobi Interraction button (scroll-wheel by default on computer) +:
- Light attack button (left click by default) for LNA.
- Heavy attack button (right click by default) for HNA.
- Dash button (L by default) for UNA.
All items (6)