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Glynda Good Witch Doing a Back Handspring for RWBY

Back Handspring is Kind of Move of Gymnastics, Kind of Move of Mat Exercise.


The Official Name is Back Inverted Spin Jump. Exercise to jump back with a swing of Arm and Kick of Ground, and use Body's warp from Bridge and Ground's release by Hand to spin. On the other hand, there is Front Inverted Spin Jump (Front Handspring) as Back performed on Front.

Implementation Method[]

Details depend on Competition.

  • We will take a system to raise Both Hand from Upright Posture.
  • Waist is dropped (So-called Air Chair position), and Both Hand passes in front of Body and turns to Back.
  • Kick to the Back with the Both Leg and at the same time raise the Both Hand by passing the Front of the Body and swing it up, and Dorsiflexion the Head to see the Back.
  • While supporting the Ground with Both Hands (from the Bridge state), use Abs / Spine and lower the Lower Body to land.

When Boys is Floor, both Legs are landing at the same time, and when Girls are Floor / Balance Beam, Legs may be alternately landed (Rose Feet).

Supplementary Law[]

Supplementary Law, Practice, and equipment used vary depending on the Competition or Club.

As an example, the Assistant stands on the side of the Practitioner, holds the clothes of the Practitioner's Waist with one hand, the Practitioner performs the above-described method of implementation, and the assistant assists the Lower Body of the Practitioner with the other hand at the timing of starting. Hold Waist to assist Practitioner's weight transfer, and Auxiliary Practitioner's inverted state to Auxiliary Spin Power of Practitioner. In addition, there is also a method in which two people are back-to-back and the Assistant holds the Practitioner's Wrist while defeating to Back and performing a Back Inverted Spin Jump. In order for the Practitioner to do it himself, Basic Power from the Front Roll etc. is required.