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Avan Strash (アバンストラッシュ) is a recurring special attack in the Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai.


Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai[]

This the utimate technique of the Avan-style with which he created to defeat Hadlar 15 years ago. To use it properly, it is needed to learn Earth, Sea and Sky techniques with a weapon. With the sword it would be the Earthsplitter, Seasplitter and Skysplitter.

It exists in two variants: the Avan Strash Arrow which creates a long range air projectile attack and the Avan Strash Break which is a direct hit of the sword.

Dai learned the move and added the Avan Strash Cross which combines the Arrow and Break type so that the opponent receives both at exactly the same time and creating an attack about 5 times as strong as the usual Avan Strash. It requires inhuman reflexes from a Dragon Knight to be performed

"Strash" is a coined word from Strike + Slash.

Jump Force[]

All three versions are used by Dai in the game.
